That's what I was saying for 30 years of my life! 

Hi my name is Alivia K Barrett.



I want to share my story with you.

For years, I had no clear internal voice guiding me. I couldn't tell the difference between my voice, God's voice or just someone else's well meaning thoughts.

I was in a very confused place and it was hard to know which way to go and how I should be leading my life.

More than I want to admit I would guess or make up which direction to go, hoping it would lead to success or the right path.

Then something dramatic happened to my hearing and I knew where each voice I heard came from! That clarity came from a rich encounter I had with Jesus that changed how I could hear and what I understood.

Years later after putting some of that hearing to practice, I learned a simple way to confirm direction!

 What! It finally had happened! I was able to hear and confirm paths in my life that I could sense were from God. 

The more I put this into practice the more I saw other's were needing this kind of clarity too.

So I started teaching this amazing experience to confirm direction and really hear God's thoughts and ways for our personal questions.

I know it's crazy to think that after a few short lessons you really could be someone who hears God's voice... but IT'S TRUE! 


Some of the most important things I've learned along this journey is to keep listening for God's direction AND help others hear Him too.

I believe there's blessing in hearing from God for ourselves. 

I know there's blessing in doing. God really honors that. 

But what if we don't know what we're doing or where we're going... then how can we live in that blessing?

I'd love for you to go through this mini course and consider the possibility for yourself. Learn what it's like to hear God clearly and grow in confidence as you choose the paths in front of you.

I've been changed.

It's changed me into a more steady mom, an influencer that's not scared to risk anymore and a lover of Christ that is a bit obsessed with His goodness and wonder!

I believe it's true for anyone who is a Christ follower that we can live as people who hear God's voice and are guided in detail through life.

Take the risk. Step into this mini course. 

It really could be the one thing that changes everything.

Listen what others are saying...



Looking for other Mini Courses?

Mini Course LIVE, One on One, ACTIVATE (coming soon) are also available!


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    Yes. You will need to create an account. The account is free and the preview is free.

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    Click on one of the free preview images or click on 'all courses' at the top. The free preview is listed inside the Direction in Detail Mini Course.

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    You login then go the dashboard. Your mini course should be listed there.

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    At the checkout, you will see a promo code option. Type it there before you press confirm.

  • How do I sign up for the 4x4 community?

    You are already signed up as soon as you buy the mini course :) It's part of your bonuses! You'll also have current group time in the facebook group.

  • Can I start the material right away?

    Yes of course. Start the mini course and go at your own pace.

  • How do I sign up for a One on One?

    You click the 'Show Me More' button and then click on consultations. It has a free preview and a BUY NOW option. Consultations are 40 minutes on streamyard or messenger.

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    Contact us at [email protected]